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MHRA launches : The AI- Airlock ! (And will it break the evidence barrier)

Whenever I think of the word airlock, I have a scene from 2001 : Space Odyssey play in my mind where HAL ejects Dave - saying I'm sorry, Dave.... how chilling. (Let's all hope that isn't where this is all heading :D)

So today we have news of a different kind of AI airlock:

Anyone who's been trying to develop AI in healthcare has come up against the evidence barrier. "But sir, my product can't really be run as a RCT, it doesn't work that way... well then you wasted your time. Don't bother me. You know that's how we do things in the good old NHS. If only the Queen were still alive. She'd give you what for. I'm off to play golf...."

(Fictional conversation between Healthtech and prof.)

So in answer to this conundrum :

As we all know AI has massive potential, but these technologies can sometimes be challenging to test using traditional trial techniques. The AI-Airlock project aims to address this by offering a collaborative approach to identifying and managing evidence requirements.

Brilliant!! But how?!

So what does this mean?

It sounds brilliant, tell me more about this sandbox business?!

Right then, a regulatory sandbox you say?

In Summary then:

It sounds brilliant, and I'm really looking forward to seeing what happens in April 2024, as that will (hopefully) be 4 months before my PHD starts when I will be absolutely in need of some proper frameworks to develop an AI product in the NHS.

Have a brilliant day, Dave.


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